Sunday 9 February 2014

Configure Apache in RHEL6

Configure Apache in RHEL6

The most commonly used web server in the world today is Apache and with good reason.  Built with security in mind, Apache is a solid and stable web server that has been around for years.

There is also an option to use the SSL protocol, making websites safe and secure.

Step 1. Install the two required packages:
        # yum install –y httpd mod_ssl

During the installation, a directory (/var/www) is created with a set of subdirectories. This directory tree is the place where you store your websites. There are also a few config files to look at:

/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf     Main config file
/var/log/httpd                      Log file directory for the web server

Step 2.
make sure that the service is set to start when the system boots:
# chkconfig httpd on

Step 3.
Here are some common options for the configuration file

#vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

ServerRoot          Defines where the config files are held
Timeout               Specifies the time before a request times out (120 seconds
                            is the default)
Listen                  Indicates the port number to listen on (default is 80)
DocumentRoot    Defines where the website files are located
ServerName        Defines a server name or IP address and port number

ofter making changes save and exit

Test the config file:
# service httpd configtest

Use iptables to create the additional firewall rules:

# iptables -I INPUT  -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
# service iptables save
# service iptables restart

change SElinux if required

#service httpd restart

To access:
Install the required package:
# yum install -y elinks
# elinks 192.168.100 (welcome page should we display).

Apache security  

1- host-based authentication

You use the Listen option to define an IP address and a port for incoming request.listen (if your server have multiple ip and you want assign single ip)

In the <Directory> section, let’s set up Allow from and Deny from options.

#Allow all hosts to connect:
Allow from all

#To allow only a specific IP or host, use the following:
Allow from

#You can also specify a domain:
Allow from

#The deny options work in the same manner. To deny from a whole subnet,
 use the following:
Deny from 192.168.1
2- user-based autentication

Define the following under the main server section in the config file:

<Directory “/var/www/html”>

AuthType           Basic
AuthName         “Password Restricted Area”
AuthUserFile      /etc/httpd/userfile
Require user      kamal


AuthType           Defines the authentication type
AuthName         Adds a comment for the user to see on login
AuthUserFile     Specifies the file used to define username and password
Require             Specifies the users or groups that can log in

Create the sole user who will need access to this site:
# htpasswd -cm /etc/httpd/userfile kamal
-c    create new file
-m    generate MD5 encrypted password
#service httpd restart

Try to open website it should prompt for password

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