Sunday 9 February 2014

Linux basic commands Part1

Linux basic commands Part1

Linux basic commands Part1

Directory commands:
1. # mkdir  For creabng directory.
2. # cd  Change directory.
3. # cd ..  To come out from working directory.
4. # rmdir  To remove directory.

File Commands:
1. # touch  filename  Creates a blank file.
2. # cat > filename  Creates a file and for saving this file (ctrl + D)
3. # cat filename  To see the content of the file.
4. # cat file1 >> file2  To move file1 matter in file2.
5. # cat -n filename  To see how many lines are written in that file.

Commands for Deleting:
1. # rm filename  Deletes a file.
2. # rm -i  Deletes file/folder in interactive mode.
3. # rm -r  Deletes directory in recursive mode.
4. # rm -f  Deletes files/folders forcefully.

Helping Tools in Linux:
These all are many helping tools that can be use to access help from system.
1. # whatis command  Sort description about command .   
2. # man command  Manual page for given command.
3. # info command  Same as man but more in depth.
4. # command --help  Show all argument for given command.

Copy & Move:
1. # cp source  destination  To copy file.
2. # cp -rf source  destination  To copy whole directory.
2. # mv source destination  To move file/dir.

Listing Commands:
1. # ls  Listing files/folders.
2. # ls -l  Long listing of files/folders.
3. # ls -a  Lists all files/folders including hidden files.
4. # ls m*  Files & directories started with leder m.

Note: Linux is case sensitive,  so type always exact small or capital letter as given in command.

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