Sunday 9 February 2014

Linux Basic Commands Part2

Linux Basic Commands Part2

Following commands are used to turn off computer.
01.  # poweroff -f
02. # halt -n -p  
03. # init 0
Following commands are used to Restart computer.  
04. # init 6   
05. # reboot

06. # startx   Switch from command to graphic.
07. # init 5   Restarts system from command mode to graphic mode.
08. # history   To see history of recent commands.
09. # history -c   To clear the history of recent commands
10. # cat > /etc/issue   To create logoff scripts.

11. # cat > /etc/motd   To create logon message.
12. # cal 06 2013   To see the calendar of that month(jun) & year(2013).
13. # bc   Starts basic calculator.
14. # whoami   To know logged user name
 15. # adduser username   To create user

16. # passwd username   To give password to user.
17. # usermod -L username   To lock a user account.
18. # usermod -U username   To unlock a user account.
19. # passwd -d username   To remove password for a user.
20. # cd   Switch directly to users home directory with.

21. # head filename   To see the top ten lines of a file.
22. # head -n 18 filename   To see top 18 lines of a file.
23. # tail filename   To see the bottom ten lines of a file.
24. # tail -n 12 filename   To see bottom 12 lines of a file.
25. # sort filename   Short file in a-z format.

26. # sort -d filename   Short file in dicbonary format.
27. # sort -r filename   Short file in reverse format.
28. # cat filename |tr ‘a-z’ ‘A-Z’   Translate all small letters in capital letters within given file.
29. # wc filename   Word count (line, word, character)
30. # diff file1 file2   To see difference between same looking files.

31. # blkid   To see devices (e.g. sda, sdb).
32. # aspell -c filename   To check spelling in a file.
33. # ifconfig   To check the IP & MAC address of NIC.
34. # ifconfig eth0 ip address   To assign temporary IP
35. # ifup eth0   To enable network card.

36. # ifdown eth0   To disable network card.
37. # vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0   To assign permanent IP with file editing.
38. # ethtool eth0   To check whether cable is connected or not.
39. # df -h directory   To check the free space of a partition
40. # date mmddhhmmyy   To set date.

41. # ps   To check the processing status.
42. # kill  PID   To kill the service with given pid
43. # top   Full details of all processing & their ID. (k- kill, h- help)
44. # wget website   To open website home page.
45. # elinks website   To open website in command line

46. # xterm   Starts a new sub-terminal.
47. # du -h partition   To check how much parbbon is used.
48. # ln /home/kamal /kamal   It will link the file in home name rahul with rahul (in root)
49. # seq 1 150 >/home/dixit   It will create a file named rag having no. 1 to 150.
50. # uname   To see kernel name.

51. # uname –r   Kernel release.
52. # uname –a   Whole information about kernel.
53. # find / -name filename   Searches file.
54. # find -perm 775   Searches for files having permission 775.
55. # find -name *.htm   Searches files having extension .htm.

56. # zcat filename.gz   To see the content of compress file.
57. # chkconfig service on/off   To on/off any service permanently.
58. # lsmod   List of drivers running.
59. # modinfo   Details about running driver
60. # sysctl –n kernel   To update kernel.(do'nt use if u are new about linux)

61. # tmpwatch   Shows temporary files.
62. # getfacl filename   It will display full information about that file or directory.
63. # setfacl -m u:user:rwx ww   It will set the full user permission on ww directory.
64. # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt   To mount CD ROM.
65. # mount /dev/devicename  /mnt   To mount any external device.

66. # mount -t vfat /dev/partition /mnt   To mount fat partition.
67. # userdel  username   To delete user.
68. # groupadd name   To add a group.
69. # groupdel name   To delete group.
70. # cat .bash_history   To see history of commands (after executing history –c)

71. # chage -E YYYY-MM-DD username   Set user expiration.
72. # chage -l username   To see user detailed information.
73. # file file/directory name   To check whether it is file or folder.
74. # cut –f1 –d : /etc/passwd   It will show the first column of passwd file.
75. # usermod -G group user   It will add user to group.

76. # id username   To see the id of user.
77. # less filename   To see a long file pagewise.
78. # grep word filename   To find a particular word or string in a file.
79. # grep –n word filename   To see the line number in which that word is.
80. # tar -cvf name filesname   It will take the backup of files as a single file.
81# tar -tvf name   Show how many files & their name in the backup file.
82. # tar -xvf name   Restore the backup.

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